Sunday, June 4

370 32 10

Dear Diary:

I'm panicking

Tomorrow's June 5th and the next day is June 6th (duh, no shit)

Denmark is lowkey fucking excited and Sweden's like... Sweden, but like really not happy

Birthday's always get them like this

So the thing is that Denmark wants to go on a three day vacation or something for both of their birthdays but Sweden's like nahhh and just wants to chill in Ikea

I honestly don't want to do either but they reached an agreement of some sort... Tomorrow, we're fucking forced to go on a N OTHER  trip around I don't know where, and on the 6th we'll go to Ikea, celebrate Sweden's birthday there or something I don't know...

Oh also-

IT'S GONNA BE MY BIRTHDAY SOOOOOOOOOOOOOON I'M EXPECTING PRESENTS BUT If someone throws me a birthday party like last time, somebody's gonna die a horrible painful death

And that's probably gonna be either me or Sealand. Because everything is always Sealand's fault

But he's gotten a lot calmer... and less energetic... and I think he grew an inch or two... and I am forced to share all my cool  (a/n: *cough*painful-) clothes with him

Such a shame, such a shame...

Guess that's all I have to say-


This story is so disappointing omg-

So... Like, nothing interesting is happening so either SeaWY's going to happen soon, somebody's gonna end up in the hospital, I'm gonna start referencing a bunch of different animes here, a ship is gonna be destroyed or something idk

But everything is gonna be fixed at the end because I already have the ending in mind and it's perfect...

Also note it will end in July

No more story after July

(You probably already guessed the ending, it's so fucking predictable holy shit)

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now