Monday, April 24

410 31 27

Dear Diary:

Did you know that 100% of stair accidents happen on stairs?

Shit facts: with Emil Steilsson

And now, the weather:

Me:  It's hot outside

And that has been the weather

Breaking News!:
We have no electricity and I had to read Finland's weird gorilla porn to entertain myself

But then Finland found out and got mad so now I'm reading Harry Potter

I'm going to be honest, I never made it past the first ten pages... I always fell asleep..
But I like the book so far :3

Oh, guess what?

Liechtenstein gave me some golden toilet paper she stole from that club and I sold it so now I'm rich bby, richer than a rich person that... eats riches

I'm so rich I bought everyone a new tux and a top hat just in case the universe decides they want us to be in a musical

It shall be called: "Emil: The Story of Crippling Depression"
It'll be amazing

Also Mr. Puffin disappeared once again. Can't find him anywhere... I wonder where he wanders off to


Oh well


When you suck writing filler chapters :'v

Mr. Puffin:  *at a bird strip club performing*

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now