Tuesday, November 1

540 47 23

Dear Diary:

I can't even-

Hangovers are baaad

Especially if it's your first one

So, yes.  We had the Halloween party yesterday.  Yes,  I went.  Yes,  I drank alcohol.  Yes,  I also probably made a fool of myself. 

It was going all well,  I arrived in my hideous outfit, which wasn't so hideous after all. I received lots of compliments.

Then it was midnight out of a sudden.

Of course,  we didn't win the costume contest.  That would of been too lucky.

After wandering around the whole night,  I magically found Hong Kong talking shit with his brothers.

Me: Hi-


Now that I think about it,  he was holding a glass with a suspicious liquid in it...

Me:  Nice party...

HK:  H-Hey,  what'ya dressed as??

Me: Doctor. You?

HK: Dean.

Me: Who?

And I felt everyone suddenly turn around and look at me.

HK: ...... y.... you don't watch Supernatural?

Me:  Is that a movie?

The staring somehow intensified.

HK: ..... HAHAHAHA,  well... naaa it doesn't matter.  Hey do you want something to drink??

Then he gave me a cup of suspicious liquid. 

Me: Where did you get this?

HK: That thing over there.... everyone's drinking it so ehhhh-  I think it's punch or something...

So I drank it.

And spit it out because it was disgusting.

But kept on drinking it because it was good.

And then I woke up in my bed.

I honestly don't even remember what happened in that period of time.  It's all blurry.  I did wake up with a few strange marks around my neck,  so I guess I hit myself against a table or something.  I don't know.  I tried asking Hong Kong but he doesn't remember either.

It hurts to think,  to walk and to do everything.  I wonder what I drank.  Maybe beer.... or vodka... or something.  I have no idea.  Oh well.

Besides that,  the party was ok,  I guess.  I got forced into talking to Liechtenstein for a while.  She was boring. Also,  I sorta ate a lot.  I gained a pound. 

I'm wasn't prepared for that kinda bullshit.

Anyways,  I think I'm gonna sleep for the 2nd time today.

I'm hella tired ;-;

If I remember,  I'll probably gonna write something tomorrow... I don't know




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