Friday, March 24

424 36 27

Dear Diary:

I have to admit, I like getting attention when I'm sick. It makes me feel special and actually wanted

I'm not saying I'm not wanted, I probably am.... to someone

Doesn't really feel like it sometimes :/

I know, I know. I have plenty of people that "worry" for me.  People like Norway. I suppose he cares about me. I mean, he's my brother after all (Shut up. You never read that)

Maybe Denmark still cares.... It's been a long time since we've known each other. Hopefully, he at least gives a single shit about my sorry ass even after all these years

Sweden  though.... not so sure... I know he cares but....He's Sweden

Then Finland...... He's a boss ass bitch but he's like a mom to me or... something. Not saying I see him as the woman who gave birth to me  but....

I don't know. I have a hard time writing down what my brain says

Then there's Hong Kong. I know he cares. I know it. He loves me... And I do too... It's only obvious he cares


Just like there are reasons for them to care, there are reasons for them to not

Norway for example.... He abandoned me. He didn't care then, leaving a small kid behind. Why now? I'm also a little rude to him, not appreciating the fact that we're brothers and so. I would understand if he doesn't care

Denmark.... He never really liked me as a kid. I wasn't a slave (Obviously) but I didn't feel wanted. Sometimes he would care, other times... Not really

Sweden..... He's Sweden

I don't have many memories of Finland... I hope nothing horrible happened.

Finland is that type of person that will pretend to care, but not really give a shit. I don't know if I should doubt when he says he cares about me...

And then... there's Hong Kong. I really don't want to doubt whenever he says he cares, but there are so many reasons for him to not.  I know we're in a relationship and all.... but sometimes I don't feel like it. Yes, we love each other but we treat each other like best friends. Rarely we get all

(/^-^)/ ❤ \(^-^\)

Appreciate the fucking drawing btw it took me 5 hours to draw

It's just.... It feels like maybe he doesn't give a fuck about this whole relationship thing and is just messing around


Hopefully not but now I feel like shit

Crap why am I crying

Oh dear

Sweden just walked in....

He walked away and came back with some licorice and a card that says "It's Dat Boi" with dat boi riding a unicycle on a purple horse

Well-  At least I know Sweden cares




Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now