Sunday, March 5

422 34 31

Dear Diary:

Norway was practicing black magic today and got sucked into a black hole 

I almost cried to be honest but that would of looked stupid (I was watching because it's actually really interesting)

Almost immediately after that another black hole appeared and a white fluffy cat fell out of it

It had a Norwegian flag thingy as a collar...

I was beginning to think that cat was Norway for some reason...

Until Denmark came into the room and the cat attacked him

Then I was convinced the cat was Norway

We nicknamed it Norge the Cat or Norgecat

Norgecat acted just like Norway.  He was extremely cuddly with me (sometimes with Denmark) but then just very cold with the rest. He licked the leftover coffee from Norway's morning cup and rolled around in butter and ran all over the house

Just like Norway

Norgecat was also very interested in our basement but that's where Norway practices his magic so we closed the door. I honestly didn't want Norgecat to die or to get sucked into a black hole (also that's where we keep our secrets that might save humanity from titans)

Norgecat really disliked Dingo and they had a fight

They fell asleep in the middle of it

When Norgecat woke up I wasn't there (I was making fun of Sealand's new ugly haircut)  and he sneeked into the basement somehow

As soon as I noticed he wasn't there I ran to the basement and there he was... waving a small black wand around with his mouth. A black hole opened up right in front of him...

The fucker didn't even wave goodbye or anything he just jumped in

A few seconds later a new black hole appeared and Norway the person hopped out

Me: ........ Where the fuck were you

Norway: Trapped in an alternative universe where we were all women

Me: .......A cat that looked like you came through a-

Norway: Cat... Then that would mean that all the others from the alternative universes shuffled around randomly in no particular order.... Oh no-

Me: .... "Others"?

And then he said these exact same words

Norway: ...How about you go back to using your phone all day and let me worry about this,  okay? You're a stupid child that couldn't understand this even if you tried

Well,  he didn't say it like that but that's what it sounded like to me

So I just left and used my phone all day


Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now