Wednesday, October 5

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Dear Diary:

Guess who wrote a book?

You wanna know what it's called?

"How to Care for Your Sweden"

Literally the most stupidest idea ever. 

He's gonna go publish it somewhere this week.  I don't know who the hell is gonna buy that.  Honestly...

Sweden is not 100% pleased with the book thing.  He doesn't like having a book about him being sick published.  I would honestly kill anyone that did that to me...

Except Hong Kong.

If he wrote it,  it would probably end up being funny and stupid.  Maybe one or two suckers would buy it,  but eh-

I'm not worrying about that though.  I haven't gotten sick in years.


That motherfu

I mean Sealand came over... and jumped on sick Sweden.

Finland flipped and shooed him away.  I think he cried a little but got over it quickly and went where Denmark was and stayed with him.

Okay... so apparently Sweden does not like canned food. Finland bought some canned spaghetti to give him but he threw it in a corner.


Sealand grabbed the spaghetti and walked over to Denmark.

Sealand: Hey! Can we eat this?

Denmark: Oh- Sure! I think the microwave's broken though...

Sealand: We'll eat it cold!

Denmark: Hm,  okay! Gimme the can.  I can open it with the can.... opener.... the one that's broken....

Sealand: I know how to open it with a knife! I learned at camp!

And he grabbed the can and opened it and they both started eating the cold spaghetti... gross.



I decided that I wanna go on an adventure. I wanna be able to write interesting things in this and not "The Boring Chronicles of A Stupid Ice Block"

And for adventures... I need an adventure partner.  Someone whose adventure spirit is as twice a mine.  Someone whose middle name is danger... or maybe two someones...

That's how I ended up calling Hong Kong and forcing Mr. Puffin out of his bird cage to go on an adventure... like the good old times (Three months ago).

HK: So Ice,  whaddya wanna do??

Me: I want to go on an adventure.

Mr. P:  I call the strip club!

Me: .......

HK: .......

Me: How about....

HK: The jungle!

Me: Unfortunately,  there aren't any jungles close.

HK: Hm.... how about you come to my house for a week? It's gonna be like,  a survival adventure!

Me: How about I push you off a cliff and see how much it hurts?

HK: How about we grab a dog toy-

Mr. P: How about you just SHUT UP and take a nap?

So we took a small nap.  Not because he forced us though.  We were very exhausted... at 10 am.

Hong Kong snored and I couldn't sleep.

When we woke up,  we were about to head off to explore the world...

But lunch was ready and we were having fried fish and cheeseburgers.


HK: The eye is the most delicious part.


When we were about to leave,  it started raining a lot.  We stayed home and played Just Dance.

It's not my game,  it's Sealand's. I-I don't like playing those things.

Hong Kong won because he has dem moves. I was close tho...


When It stopped raining,  we finally went outside

And Hong Kong slipped on a mud puddle and rolled off the small hill we live on.

I have it on video.

He started whining about how his new.... BTS shirt... whatever the fuck that is,  got stained with mud.  I honestly could care less but I consoled him for about ten minutes and then we continued with our adventure.

It got dark suddenly and Hong Kong was scared and we had to go back.

I let him stay over.  For a few days.

I don't even know anything anymore. But...  I AM going to go on an adventure and nobody will stop me tomorrow! Nobody!

-Determined Ice

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now