Friday, August 19

799 50 26

Dear Diary:

Today we continued with the meeting. Actually, I'm at the meeting right now. I'm pretending to take notes,  like the rebel I am. Also,  I'm sitting next to Hong Kong, like I said we would yesterday.

The meeting went something like this:

America started ranting about how beer tastes better outside the bottle than inside, but then Prussia shooted up from his chair and started shouting about how Americans don't know anything about real beer, then America screamed "BRO, I'LL FUCKING PROVE IT TO YOU" so he grabbed a bottle of beer and poured a bit into a cup. He then forced Japan, since he never drank beer and almost always agreed with his ideas, to try the one in the cup and then to drink a bit from the bottle. Japan did as told, and when he finished, he said "They taste the same" earning a gasp from America. Then America started giving everyone beer in a small cup, except the "small" countries, like me, and then gave them a bottle so they can opine on its flavor, just like Japan did. They all said it tasted the same. 30 minutes wasted. I don't even know why they started talking about that in the first place.

A few countries got a bit drunk, not saying names..., so we had to lock them up in a closet. It was the correct thing to do.

Now, Germany started talking about global warming and the increase of population in the- blehhhh, something like that. If you were sitting across me right now, you would think that I'm paying attention and I understand every single word he's saying, but in reality, I don't give a shit and I'm thinking about my blog. I should update it.... I really should.


Finally, the meeting's over. We didn't solve anything, as always, so we have to have another meeting next month. Before, the meetings were annual, but since they never get to any agreement, they made it monthly.

I am honestly tired of being a country. Why can't I just be a rock? Nobody bothers rocks. Rocks rock.

Anyways, I walked out of cthe meeting room and bumped into Hong Kong (FATE, STOP IT!)

HK: Oh, hey!

Me: Hey.

HK: So listen... uh, would you like to hang out now? I don't have anything to do.

Me: Sure.

My brain was throwing a party.

We went to a small coffee shop that was in the city. As always, I ordered hot chocolate because it's delicious, while Hong Kong ordered regular coffee. We had a small talk about how words sound weird when you say them out loud for too much time.

Then,  after a while of talking,  I turned my head right and I saw a little jukebox in the corner of the room.  I pointed at it so he would see it as well.  He looked at me like saying "Please?". I sighed and nodded.  How can you resist to puppy eyes? 

Oh,  and for those who don't know what a jukebox is- yes,  I know someone will eventually read this... Norway,  I know you're reading this. GET THE HECK OUT OF MY ROOM AND CLOSE THIS DAMN BOOK RIGHT NOW! -   ahem,  excuse me.  For those who don't know what a jukebox is,  it's an old giant box- no,  it doesn't have juice-  that has old ass songs that you probably don't know.

He got up,  put a coin in the jukebox and picked a song.  He sat right back downt moments later. He looked at me mischievously. I didn't understand why at first,  but then the song started.

Sunshine Lollipops and Rainbows.

The lady who serves the coffee just squinted at us and put some headphones on.  Rude.  Fortunately,  we were the only people there.  I never laughed so hard in my life. We even started singing loudly just to annoy the lady.

We're not aloud in that coffee shop ever again.

Five minutes later,  we went back to the hotel.  We had to wait in the lobby because they were mopping the stairs and the elevators were jammed.  I sighed and looked at Hong Kong.

Me: Today was fun.

HK: Yeah.  It'd be cool if we did that more often,  you know...

I blushed and nodded.  I noticed that he grabbed my hand.  He didn't pull away this time.  I looked at him, and he looked back at me. My breathing stopped for a while and my brain shut off.  He started leaning close to me,  slowly,  like the last time.  This time,  I did the same. My heart was about to explode out of my chest. This was so far,  one of the best feelings I ever experienced in my life. We were just inches away from each other...

Until the hotel manager walked by and screamed



We had to wait with the hotel manager looking at us like if we were some type of criminals or something until the stairs dried.  We angrily walked up the stairs and flipped the guy off. 

We both went separately to our rooms,  not before waving at each other,  still angry because of the lobby thing. I locked myself in my room,  again.

Seriously,  what is this?  I literally can't even right now.


It's been a month since I first published this... *puts on little birthday hat*

Excuse the errors,  but I am tired as hell.

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now