Thursday, March 30

422 33 47

Dear Diary:

Today we all replaced the broken glass from last night's "animal" incident

I won't say it was fun but we did spend some time together

Also my hair is ok now but it's still sticky. I took 3 showers this morning...

Finland was awfully excited today for some reason

Norway: You are awfully excited today for some reason

Denmark: Yeah, Fin. Why is that??

Finland:  Today I finally got paid!

Me: For what?

Finland: Remember that story I published? The one about Sweden

Sweden: !!!!

Finland: I finally got my part of the money!

Denmark: How much??!!

I'm not gonna say exactly how much he got by making that book... But let's just say a lot more than a million

Finland: I'm gonna spend it all at the mall!

Norway: That's dumb

Finland: That's why I'm not inviting you

Denmark: What about me?

Finland: You'd just waste it stupidly

Sweden: ...... Me?

Finland:  You'd waste it on furniture

Sweden: ...... I'm upset :(

Finland: I'm inviting Iceland! Because he's responsible, mature, wouldn't waste money on stupid boring stuff and actually has emotions


If you gave me money I'd waste it all on puppies and candy

So we went to the mall and all... I disappeared inside Hot Topic for an hour

I walked out and Finland was waiting outside eating a cupcake

Me: Thanks for the cupcake

Finland: Don't be an ass. It was the last one. I punched a pregnant woman for it

Me: Oh my- is she ok?


Me: ..........

Finland is.... very special

I wandered around buying random things for a while, like candy and posters

And then I stopped in front of a pet adoption store

I walked inside and there were a bunch of small puppies. All different colors and species. There were small brown dogs, and puffy white ones. Yellow tall dogs and grey short ones.

But there was one dog that was different from the rest

It looked a little.... destroyed

All the other pups started wagging their tails when they saw me or other people. But the other dog just looked up and hid under a newspaper. It also looked a little beaten up

I was concerned so I sorta asked a guy that worked there

Apparently someone had found the dog abandoned and beaten up in the sewers. It was dying and the only place close to leave it was this adoption center.

They were taking care of him until they could relocate him somewhere else.

I wanted to take him home because I felt so sorry for it. Something about the dog was really special... I just didn't know what. But we already have a bunch of animals at home...

I adopted it anyways idgaf

Finland wasn't really surprised I got the dog when he saw it

He said we could keep it FOR A WHILE

This is real life not some dumb story where everyone can have things without consequences what the fuck

We walked home silently... sorta because the dog snored loudly

Me: ...... Hey-

Finland: ??

Me:  Do.... do you care about me?

Finland: What kind of shit question is that?

Me: Answer!

Finland: I wouldn't have fucking given you half of my fortune to waste on teenage stuff and candy if I didn't care

Me:  Hm

Finland: If I didn't care I would of abandoned you there
Me: You did that once


So.... I suppose that's a yes-

We got home and I let the small dog stay with me in my room

Mr. Puffin is awfully annoyed that more and more animals are staying with us and I even had to pay him so the dog could stay. IN MY ROOM

I still don't know what to do with it...

Should I give it to someone. If so...



Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now