Monday, September 19

632 47 33

Dear Diary:

Fucking birds.

I left my sandwich outside for a few minutes and it just disappeared. Now I'm gonna starve.

World Meeting?  Yep,  it was today. It was actually pretty nice compared to the other ones. For example,  we actually had a decent reunion with no interruptions or stupidity and we had a lunch break.

We stopped having those after Italy spilled sauce all over the floor and made England slip and fall.

I don't know WHAT we actually progressed in,  but Germany said that it was a good meeting and we actually progressed in the- I don't remember the exact term he used, though.


Summer's gonna end in two days... what a bummer. I prefer winter 100 times over summer,  but this summer was special and I don't want it to end ever...but the world gives a fuck about my feelings and it'll just keep spinning in circles,  just like Norway did that time he got drunk in a New Years party.

I really wish I can rewi-

You know what,  no thank you. If I could rewind time,  I'd just see all those embarrassing and cringy moments I went through that I would rather forget.


After the meeting,  Hong Kong went back to his home (he begged me to let him stay more time but his brothers literally dragged him away...poor shit)  and England was forced to take Sealand back.

We drove the miserable five minutes from the World Meeting building back to our house,  when suddenly

Finland: STOP!

And we almost crashed trying to stop the car.

Sweden: wHAT?

Finland: There's a Farmers Market! I wanna buy fruit!

So he hopped off the car and ran towards the small fruit stands.

We stayed in the car because we could.

He came back with a small bag and a few apples,  what seemed to be a pear,  and a pineapple.

Finland: I bought a pineapple!

Denmark: ......

Finland: Oh... yeah. I'm sorry. I'll throw it away if you want-

Me: Why would you throw it away? If he doesn't like pineapples,  he can just not eat it.

Everyone stayed silent.

Norway: Um-

Denmark: I'll tell him.

Norway: Are you sure?

Denmark: Yes... listen up, Ice...

Me: .....

Denmark: There was a time... long ago... a part of my life I wish to forget...

Me: .....

Denmark: I got bullied.... because I looked like a pineapple.

My throat burns from laughing.

I got grounded.


You know that moment when you're really bored so you start drawing really nice things and you stick them neatly all around your wall?

Well,  I definitely don't.

I make really shitty Homestuck drawings and horribly tape them to the wall. It's a work of art.

While I draw,  I like to listen to music, so I started searching for cool music to listen to on YouTube. Lots of boring 80's music later,  I came across something called "Nightcore". At first I thought it was some really emo hardcore punk band and I was like "Sweet"  but then I clicked on it and I recognized the song,  but it sounded gayer than before. "What is this?" my brain asked me. I did not know how to respond.

Two hundred Nightcore songs later,  I came to a conclusion. I tolerated it. So I downloaded them all on my phone. (Fortunately,  I didn't get that taken away from me)

I think it broke.

I guess I'll buy a new one tomorrow,  possibly even better than the one I have now. I'm not mad out of money,  but I can afford to buy one or two with my allowance.

Well... I think I'm gonna go eat a bag of licorice. I'll write in you tomorrow,  though. I'll hopefully have something interesting to tell by then.


Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now