Thursday, August 4

932 61 46

Dear Diary:

One day.

It took me one day to find you, diary. You were under a pile of clothes next to my closet. WHATCHA DOIN' DOWN THERE???

Nothing happened yesterday but I'll make a quick resume so I can start with today's entry.

I stepped on poop, I ate canned peas and choked on one, Mr. Puffin put a bow on the egg, someone put green dye in Denmark's gel, Finland got a scar on his face thanks the can of peas I ate before and that's about it.

Interesting, right? Let's move on with today then, shall we? No? I don't care.

Yeah, that "party" I was supposed to go to... yeah um... only three people went. Woops.

So... today we're leaving. My bags are packed and I'm all set to go. Mr. Puffin's staying. He's taking seriously this "responsibility" thing. Eggs hatch approximately 40 days after the female puffin lays them, but he wants to stay anyways, just in case. Sheesh.

Ahhh our flight is at night so I still have time to do nothing for a while. Doing nothing is very fun, trust me.


Okay, so Finland burnt our food. We ate burnt meat with overcooked rice and salty salad today. He didn't even apologize. He just blamed everyone for it.


Me: Why?

Finland: Because I just do. Well, it's not that I blame everyone. I blame myself. No wait. I do blame everyone, but not because I want to, but because-

He continued blabbering for a while and then walked away.


Besides our delicious meal, everything else went normal in the day. I got a follower on Tumblr (after a year of making the account) and I bought a new pillow because mine is all squished. Please don't ask why, you won't wanna know.

I spent the whole afternoon in my room. I decided to walk downstairs to show them that I was still alive. The guys were drinking (alcohol, DUH) and talking really loudly.

Denmark: Booze! Booze! Booze!

Norway: stop screaming, my head hurts

Finland: wHy are these colors the candy taste of rainbows??

He must of drunken too much alcohol and eaten way to many candies.

Sweden: ...... glare

Norway: ..... why are you saying what you're doing?

Sweden: Because. gLARE

I think he was sorta drunk too.

Me: .....

Denmark: Hey Iceman! Wanna drink??

He offered me some beer. I was going to grab it but...

Norway: Oh no... he drinks this. Here you go, brother.

He handed me a Capri Sun.

Denmark: Noooooorge you're such a party pooper.

Me: Norway, I am capable of drinking beer.

Denmark: Norway gasped. His "little brother" was being rebellious.

Norway: Brother, you're not going to-

Me: Stop calling me brother! Denmark, what are you do-

Finland: Iceland snapped back in an aggressive tone, not being aware of the consequences.

Me: What consequences???

Denmark: Norway was upset. He had always loved his little brother and treated him with care, and this was his payment. He couldn't help but feel.... emotion.

Me: Wait no-

Sweden: Never has this happened to him. To have someone that he cares about deeply, betray him.


Finland: Norway was entering into a stage of depression. He will never be the same person again.

Me: b-

Sweden: Norway was slowly beginning to realize... he is no good for this world.

Me: wot

Denmark: The curtains slowly dropped. This was the end of the play. This was the end... of Norway.


I angrily drank my Capri Sun and stormed back to my room. I heard a few chuckles downstairs. I hate them so much sometimes.


Well, the flight's in a few minutes. We're really late. I barley had time to grab my suitcase and say goodbye to Mr. Puffin. He didn't say goodbye back. WELL ALRIGHTY THEN!


Ok we sorta had to bribe the woman at the little airport tunnely thing that leads to the plane to let us on (that's not illegal at all, whatcha thinking, diary???) I'm on the plane.... going to South America.... for two days...


I really want to sleep now. There's a huge thunderstorm and I'd rather sleep through it than to feel the plane shaking. That's just horrible.

I'll write in you tomorrow...that if I actually arrive...


Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora