Thursday, February 23

403 33 17

Dear Diary:

Yesterday night was the worst,  most boring day in my entire life

It wasn't even a party :( I was lied to

The poster said "Party at (insert location) Don't bring your grandchildren"

It was just a bunch of old guys playing bingo and eating crackers.  Like... wtf?!

Sweden had fun.  He played bingo all night .__.

I just... I don't even know


Sealand almost got run over by a car and is now traumatized and hiding under the bed

Also,  Denmark almost ran over a kid while driving and is now traumatized and hiding under the table

Norway recorded


Today we were gonna watch a movie- BUT SOMEONE spilled milk all over the TV trying to recreate a fanfiction they read on the Internet

I swear it was not me this time

You know what I found today? The box

You know... the box

I was really curious as to what was inside so I opened it...

It was so...... SO.....

I can't even explain it.  So I kicked it out the window and hopefully,  I will never see that box again

The End

Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now