Thursday, April 6

413 34 33

Dear Diary:

How many times do I love thee, dear? 
Tell me how many thoughts there be 
In the atmosphere 
Of a new-fall'n year, 
Whose white and sable hours appear 
The latest flake of Eternity: 
So many times do I love thee, dear. 

How many times do I love again? 
Tell me how many beads there are 
In a silver chain 
Of evening rain, 
Unravell'd from the tumbling main, 
And threading the eye of a yellow star: 
So many times do I love again. 

That's a poem

I didn't write it, but I thought it was nice

I found it written on a piece of paper stuck on the bottom of my shoe

Romantic af

Now I can walk fine, but my back hurts a whole fucking lot

Norway was also being very suspicious. Yesterday I saw him whispering something to Finland and he dropped the plate he was washing and turned to look at me with disgust

Like, it's not like I killed someone (killedmyvirginity-)

I'm old enough to do whatever I w-

Just remembered Hong Kong is younger than me omfg

..........Well, at least we don't get pregnant that would be BAD

So there isn't much to say now...


The book is finished! Yay

Jk but like they already did the fuk now what?

... Threesome with Liechtenstein :D  (kms)

Also I'm gonna do something for 10k reads (we're close AHHHH)

Would you prefer Q&A or a special chapter? (2p, nyo, vacation, idk)

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