Saturday, February 18

399 39 4

Dear Diary:

Today was chaos

Finland called the whole wide world and told them to start a global search for Denmark

Sweden built a giant wooden Lego in the backyard hoping that Denmark will go directly to it

And Norway... Norway actually got up and looked in the backyard.  Then went inside and fell asleep

It's the most effort he put into this whole dissaperance thing
And today I had and idea

While everyone was asleep,  I decided to temporarily run away and find him.  Not because I care,  but because everyone is so worried,  that nobody bothered to cook and I haven't eaten in two days

I took Sealand too because he was probably gonna tell everyone

I packed a small backpack with some licorice, soda and a blanket....the diary.... a pen... and of-fucking-course my phone and charger

It's July 23 all over again

Sealand fortunately packed a giant bag full of useless but useful shit so we didn't die

It was really hard to start the search though,  we were clueless to where he could be

We checked in every Lego store nearby,  every homeless shelter,  everywhere! But he was fucking nowhere

Now it's like... 10 pm and it's dark as hell. Seafish and I are staying in an empty log tonight...with some rats

I hate my life


Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now