Monday, February 6

467 35 20

Dear Diary:

That moment when your life isn't interesting enough to have a diary...


So now we have 3 goats

I don't know how that happened...

Anyways, today I went to Hong Kong's house because this is my life and I don't have to explain anything to anyone

Everything was nice... I won't go into details because that's boring af

Thing is, at some point I accidentally dropped a glass and he turned around like if I just summoned Satan or something

And then absolutely everyone was in the room, like, literally appeared out of nowhere and I was terrified...

I was like "um sorry" and China who appeared outta nowhere was like "lol ok turn around so we can talk shit about you in another language"

And they did it. It was so freaky though, it didn't sound like K-pop at all

Later today, I went back home

That's it

That's all I did...



A/N WARNING  (Read this boi)

You know how everything's calm right now, right? Everyone's happy...

Well guess what? That's gonna change. Something so dramatic, fucked up and unexpected will happen from now on that global warming will stop

Prepare for things to get fucked up :D

Little Jimmy:  Wait a sec! I have a question

What the fu-  Oh look.  It's our friend,  Little Jimmothy

Little Jimmy:  Why are you doing this lmao

Well.... you see,  you little piece of crap,  I read this story many times and me and my brain came to the conclusion that it's like watching last year's YouTube Rewind:  entertaining at first,  but then a bunch of lame-ass jokes and memes.  So,  I'm spicing it up a bit and making it interesting

Little Jimmy:  *died*

..... banana

Have a good day

I don't care lol

rawr xD

Iceland's Diary: It Began In Summerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें