Sunday, March 19

400 35 6

Dear Diary:

I ate.... maple syrup ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It tastes like.... maple syrup




Ok so

Yesterday was very interesting

We got up early (a g a i n) and went to the meeting building (walking tho)

Everything was really nice and quiet for a while

Until we arrived. Then everyone started getting loud

I almost got a heart attack tho because I looked around and Hong Kong wasn't there and for a moment I thought he got swallowed by the snow and died but a few seconds later he sent me a picture of me from behind

I don't even know what to think of him sometimes

So everyone talked and I "listened" but in reality I was imagining a music video of everyone in the room where music suddenly started playing and we all danced and sang on the table

And suddenly somebody talked to me and I accidentally screamed out the whole lyrics of a song

And somebody started singing and then everyone sang along and we got on the table and danced

It was a really epic experience I must say

It wasn't like a music video tho because someone fell off the table and smashed their face against a chair...

But at least the chair was Frenchproof...


After the meeting we all went back to our hotels and stuff (Sealand left with England tho) and I was super ready to leave but then Finland said

Finland: We're gonna stay and sightsee!!

And I almost jumped out the window but I got a message from Hong Kong and Liechtenstein saying that they were gonna stay and sightsee too

.... Yes. We made a chat group
Fuck you

And I suppose Sealand's staying too since we sorta gotta share the same fucking plane...

So yep

A fun fun FUN day with friends


That sounded very weird


Iceland's Diary: It Began In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now