A long-awaited "hangout" with Ceddy

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Cassia's POV

About a week later, Harry and I took a walk around the grounds. And we just so happened to run into Professor Lupin. Turns out, he'd gone for a walk himself. So now we were accompanying him. "I'm sorry about your broomstick. Is there no chance of fixing it?" he questioned.

I snorted. "Not unless we want a repeat of what happened when Ron's wand broke." Lupin looked at me with confusion in his eyes at my statement. "It's a long story. I'll spare you the details," I said. He didn't need to hear about how we 'stole' Mr. Weasley's car because we couldn't get through the barrier to board the Hogwarts Express.

"Professor, why do the Dementors affect my sister and I so? More than anyone else, I mean?" Harry asked after several long moments of silence between us.

Lupin paused in his walking and made eye contact with us. "Listen, Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself...soulless and evil. You'll be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life. The Dementors affect you two more than others because you have true horrors in your past, horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine," he informed us, "You are not weak. Neither of you are. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

"We're scared, Professor," Harry admitted, to which I nodded in agreement.

Lupin chuckled half-heartedly. "Well, I'd consider you fools if you weren't," he said.

"We need to know how to fight them. You can teach us," Harry suggested.

Our DADA professor gave a small sigh. "Well, given that the Dementors seem to have developed a particular interest in the two of you, perhaps I should. But after the holidays. For now, I have to rest," he finally conceded.

I was grateful for this, but there was still this urge to know why I had a sudden headache during the match, right before Harry had fallen off his broom. And I guess I was hoping Lupin would give me an answer.

"Is something wrong, Cassia?" Lupin asked, gaining my attention.

I turned my head slightly to meet his gaze, his caramel-colored eyes meeting my green ones. "No, nothing's wrong. It's just...during the Quidditch match last week, right before the Dementors attacked Harry, I...it felt like my head was pounding. And then, when Dumbledore used that spell to stop Harry from falling, the headache just...disappeared," I explained.

"Interesting..." Lupin mused.

"Do you think you could tell me why that happened?" I asked. I couldn't help fiddling with my hands. The suspense was killing me! I had to have answers.

Lupin only chuckled at me and replied with, "In due time, my dear Cassia." Oh, come ON! I groaned in my head.


Today was the day of another Hogsmeade weekend. I still felt bad for Harry because he couldn't go, so I decided to stay behind with him again. But this time, he seemed adamant on staying alone.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I asked him for what was probably the twelfth time.

Harry sighed with slight annoyance. "Yes, baby sis," he answered.

"I just don't want you to be lonely. I feel bad leaving you by yourself," I told him.

He put his hands on my shoulders. "Cassi, I don't want you to worry about me. I'll be just fine. I have Hedwig, Ginny, Cricket, and Ron's twin brothers to keep me company," he assured me, "You go have fun at Hogsmeade. Okay?"

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