Voldemort returns

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Cassia's POV

I was no longer on the Hogwarts grounds; my captor and I had obviously traveled miles -- perhaps hundreds of miles -- for even the mountains surrounding the castle were gone.

Now I was in a dark and overgrown graveyard. The black outline of a small church was visible beyond a large yew tree to the right. A hill rose above us to the left. I could just make out the outline of a fine old house on the hillside. I hadn't seen the person who brought me here again, and I never knew his identity. He had literally dropped me near a random tombstone and left, not even giving me so much as a second to glimpse his face.

A flash of light and a popping sound to my left alerted me, and I looked just in time to see Harry and Cedric appear, with the Triwizard Cup. Harry's feet slammed into the ground; his legs gave way, and he fell forward. His hand let go of the Triwizard Cup as he rolled onto his stomach. Cedric lay on his side, not too far away from Harry.

I rushed over and helped them up, one at a time. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah -- yeah, we're fine..." Harry waved me off.

"Where are we?" Cedric wondered.

I had no idea where exactly this graveyard was located, but it was familiar to me.

Cedric knelt down and examined the cup. "It's a Portkey," he said. "Guys, the cup is a Portkey."

"I've been here before," Harry muttered, barely audible. He had just said what I was thinking.

"So have I," I added. "It was in our dreams."

There was a cauldron not far from where I was standing. I looked to my left and saw a statue of a hooded figure with a sickle, standing near a massive gravestone that had old writing on it. I edged closer to see what the writing said, and my eyes widened when I saw all of the names written on it shared one surname; "Riddle". This was really, really bad.

Without warning, my scar exploded in pain. It was agony such as I had never felt in all my life. I clutched my forehead with my free hand. My knees buckled; I was on the ground and I could see nothing at all. It felt as if my face were about to split open. Harry went down beside me, clutching his forehead as the same thing happened to him.

Cedric ran over, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Love, what's wrong?"

"Ceddy, you have to get back to the cup," I managed to say through the pain.

He looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"You heard her, get back to the cup!" Harry grunted in pain.

A fire was magically lit under the cauldron, quickly bringing the water inside it to an angry boil.

Looking up, I saw an all-too-familiar face appear. The man who had betrayed mine and Harry's parents. Wormtail, aka Peter Pettigrew. From the way he was walking and holding his arms, I could tell he was carrying something. I saw that it looked like a baby...or was it nothing but a bundle of robes?

Cedric stood up, pointing his wand at Wormtail. "Who are you? What do you want?" he demanded.

"Kill the spare," a high, cold voice hissed from inside the bundle.

Wormtail screeched the words to the night. "Avada Kedavra!"

Despite the horrible pain in my scar, I somehow managed to push Cedric out of the way, the green light of the Killing Curse missing him by inches. If that's not a close call, then I don't know what is.

Twin Power *Cedric Diggory Love Story* (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now