Malfoy, the amazing, bouncing ferret

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Cassia's POV

The next day, almost the entire student body was sporting these 'Support Cedric Diggory' badges, but they were charmed so that when you pressed them, they changed to 'Potters Stink'. People started jeering and hurling insults at Harry and I as we walked through the corridors in search of Cedric. I'd done a little bit of extra research on the first task, and learned that there was more to it than just getting past a dragon. The dragon was supposed to guard a golden egg, which contained a clue for the next task. I had decided that we'd better tell Cedric about the task today so that, after dinner tonight, all three of us could meet together and discuss strategy.

"You stink, Potter!" some shouted at Harry.

"Cedric rules!" a younger boy cheered as he ran past us.

I rolled my eyes. The rumor that I'd somehow managed to submit Harry's name in for the tournament was bad enough, but those stupid badges were a hell of a lot worse.

"Thanks," Harry muttered through clenched teeth at the boy's retreating form.

I glanced outside. "Maybe Cedric's out there..."

We made our way to a doorway that led outside, but a couple of students were blocking it.

One of them flashed his badge at us. "Like the badge?" he asked.

"Excuse us," I said, giving them a cold glare. They moved out of the way, and we stepped outside. I spotted Cedric lying down on one of the benches, just hanging out with his friends. To our dismay, when we approached them, I saw that they were all sporting those stupid badges, all except for Cedric.

"Hey, Ced, you've got visitors," the guy standing closest to him said, getting his attention. Most of the others just hurled off insults at Harry. It took everything in me not to pull my wand out and turn all of them into toads.

Cedric sat up and greeted me with a peck on the lips. "Hey, love."

I gave him a quick hug. "Cedric, can Harry and I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure," Cedric agreed. We led him away from his friends until we were sure we were out of earshot.

"For the first task, the champions have to battle a dragon. They've got one for each of you," I informed him, ignoring my trembling hands.

"You're -- You're serious?" he questioned. "And Viktor and they...?"

I nodded. "Yeah. They know."

"Guys, listen...about the badges...I've asked them not to wear them," Cedric apologized, throwing a backward glance towards his friends.

Harry waved it off like it was nothing. "No, it's fine," he said.

"I'll see you after dinner, alright, Ceddy?" I kissed Cedric on the cheek.

He nodded. "Sure, love." He pecked my lips once more before returning to his friends.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ron walking through the corridors inside, with Seamus in tow. Before I could stop him, Harry stormed up to Ron. "You're a right foul git, you know that?" he remarked.

Twin Power *Cedric Diggory Love Story* (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now