Stealing from Snape? No way! Wasn't us!

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Cassia's POV

I caught Cedric after dinner the following evening, right as he was leaving the Great Hall. "Cedric, come with me. Harry and I have to tell you something. In private."

He followed me up to Gryffindor Tower with no hesitation. I thanked my lucky stars that he didn't have prefect patrol tonight. He joined Hermione and Ron on the sofa, while Harry and I stood in front of the fire, facing them, as we explained how we had seen Crouch's lifeless body as we were walking with Hagrid. My hands trembled the entire time we were talking about it.

"They'll cover this up, you watch. Fudge'll sell his soul before this gets out in the Daily Prophet," Ron growled.

"But why?" Harry asked, a little puzzled.

Ron sighed. "Look, nobody liked Crouch. I know this from my father. Loads of people wanted him dead. But he was a Ministry official. It's not even like he turned up stiff in Knockturn Alley. He was murdered at Hogwarts. This is a big deal."

"Who d'you reckon could've done this?" Cedric asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know, Ceddy, but there's definitely something fishy going on here. I mean, first the nightmares, then our scars are frequently hurting, then the Dark Mark, then Harry's name is mysteriously chosen for the Triwizard Tournament, and now this?"

Cedric massaged his temples. "It just doesn't add up. And there's no way this is all just a coincidence."

"You're right," Hermione concurred, "It isn't a coincidence." She fixed her gaze on both my brother and myself. "Surviving the tournament isn't the answer anymore. It's bigger than this. And I really think you guys should see Dumbledore."

"I think I'd agree," I replied. This was definitely bigger than the tournament. And probably a hell of a lot worse.


The start of the summer term normally meant rigorous training for the final Quidditch match of the year, but this time, it meant prepping Harry and Cedric for the last task of the tournament. Tonight, we had been informed what the task was going to be; navigating a gigantic maze with hedges at least twenty feet high, to find the Triwizard Cup at the heart of the maze. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. There was going to be danger at every turn, though no one mentioned what exactly we would be facing within the maze.

"I'll see you later, alright?" Cedric kissed me on the cheek before returning to the Hufflepuff common room. I blew him a kiss in return as I watched him leave.

Harry and I journeyed up to the Headmaster's office so we could talk to Dumbledore, but once the gargoyle had granted us entry, we saw that the door was locked. Pressing an ear against the door, I heard a grim conversation going on.

"A man has died here, Cornelius, and he won't be the last. You must take action," Dumbledore beseeched.

I motioned for Harry to come closer to the door and listen as well.

"I will not!" a stubborn voice snapped. Fudge. "In times like these, the wizarding world looks to its leaders for strength, Dumbledore."

"Then, for once, show them some," Dumbledore insisted.

"The Triwizard Tournament will not be cancelled! I will not be seen as a coward!" Fudge refused, quite adamant in his denial.

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