✔Fifteen: "Do I look okay to you?"

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Liv stood at the doorway, visibly angered by the sight of her mother and I'd expected that; I'd expected her to be mad at me for inviting her mother over but I knew that she'd be thankful later. At least that's what I'd hoped. She needed her mother, now more than ever, and I just wanted to bring some peace so she could take it easy and stop being so upset all the time.

"Olivia, I invited your mom over so you could talk to her." I said to her.

She scoffed as she looked at me in disbelief.

I knew this wasn't going to be easy and I didn't expect Liv to run into my arms happily because I brought her mom over.

"I know you miss her, Liv. She's here for you now." I said.

"Now? She's here for me now? I don't need her now, Justin! Why would you even-- who the hell gave you the right to call her over here?" Liv raised her voice at me.

"I just want to make things better for you because I know you're hurting, sweetheart."

She looked at her mother and shook her head. Her lip quivered and she began to cry.

"I don't even know what to say to you," she then looked at me too, "or to you."

"Olivia." Her mother said.

Liv stormed out and I bit my lip. I began to regret my decision but my main concern was getting Liv to see reason.

"Leave her," Liv's mom, Shirley, said to me. "Let her calm down."

"I'm so sorry," I ran my hands over my face.

"Don't be. It's alright, Justin. Really. I should probably get going. It's clear that I'm not welcome here."

"No, wait a while. Let me make you some coffee then I'll go talk to Liv."

Shirley nodded her head and took a seat on a couch while I went to make her the coffee.

Liv was in the bedroom when I checked on her. She was lying on the bed, curled up and I walked over to where she was facing so I could kneel in front of her.

She immediately turned over so she had her back to me and I sighed.

"Olivia, please try to understand why I called your mother over?" I touched her shoulder.

"Don't touch me." She said flatly, and I got my hand off of her.

"Sweetheart, I just want you to be happy. She might be able to help you through your pregnancy."

"You told her?" Liv turned over to face me again.

"That's why she's here. She wants to help you."

"How dare you!"

"She's your mother, Olivia. You said you'd forgive her if she showed up. Here she is."

"You missed the freaking point, Justin! My goodness, it wasn't about her being here. It was about her bringing herself here. You had to fetch her from her home and reason with her to come here. She's not here because she cares about me. She's here to see what progress we've made and--" Liv exhaled sharply.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay to you? Really?" She sat up.

I didn't answer her question.

"She's going to stick around for sure now because I'm carrying your child and we're out of my little apartment which she had issues with. That's what you missed, Justin, but thank you for bringing more stress into my life." Liv got off the bed and was about to leave the room when she remembered something.

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