✔Thirty Three: "I wanna talk to you about something."

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2 and a half months later


At the end of a long baby development class, Noah and I drove back home for some more bonding time. I felt like the new Kim Kardashian because I was constantly being hounded by the media for pictures of Noah. Unfortunately for them, I was pretty slick for never leaving the house without a blanket to cover Noah with. The most they ever got was a glimpse of his hair which had gone from being black like mine to being a soft brown tone like Justin's, and those curls I'd become obsessed with grew proudly on his little head too.

My mom took Noah from me when we walked through the door. She was here for one more week but my step-dad had already gone back home to continue with his work.

"How was the class?" My mom smiled at Noah as she spoke to me. She was bouncing him lightly in her arms.

"Really good. I think Noah enjoys the massages he gets from me there. They put him right to sleep." I smiled too.

I'd parked his stroller in the foyer and my mom followed me to the kitchen where I put together some things to eat. Later on I'd be hitting the gym with Justin. He'd become my fitness buddy and now that my mom was leaving soon, we'd started our search for a caregiver who'd stop by whenever I had to do things like go to the gym.

Speaking of Justin...

"Have you seen Justin, mom?" I closed the fridge and laid out my ingredients for the sandwich I wanted to make.

"He's in the studio with some guy. They've been in the for hours now." My mom rolled her eyes, making me giggle.

She had no idea how music was made. I'd come to learn that it never happened over night.

"Do you know if they've eaten yet?" I asked.

"They haven't but I took some coffee down earlier."

'I might have to make more sandwiches', I thought.

"Could you do me as favour and fix a bottle for Noah quick? I wanna go say hi and ask if I should make them some food too." I said.

"No problem."

I took Noah from my mom and gave him multiple kisses on his adorable cheeks as we walked through the house to the studio. It was sound proofed so I didn't hear a thing from that room until I pushed open the door. Sure enough, there my husband was in the booth with his phone in his hand as he sang.

"Don't fall asleep... at the wheel, we got a million miles ahead of us. Miles ahead of us. All that we need... is a rude awakening to know we're good enough. Know we're good enough..."

I whispered a "hello", too afraid that saying it too loudly would break everyone else's concentration. But I wasn't the problem. No, Noah's cute self was.

When the guy I realised to be DJ Snake saw the little one in my arms, he gushed and threw his hands out to take Noah from me.

Justin smiled from the booth and immediately took his headphones off so he could come say hi too.

"Man, he looks nothing like you!" DJ Snake teased Justin.

"Gee, thank you, man." Justin laughed lightly before going to kiss Noah.

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