Becoming Trouble

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Sang's POV:

After I had introduced myself to victor, Sean had set me on the bed, so he could go and talk with kota and Luke in the weaponry room. Victor had sat down with me and immediately taken my hand in his again. His thumb was brushing across the skin between my thumb and index finger as I looked at him shyly through my lashes while he beamed at me, his fire eyes set to a calm smolder.

I felt the flush crawling up my face and dropped my gaze to the floor, earning a chuckle from victor in return. "What do you normally do for fun here princess?" He asked politely as I met his gaze again shyly. I smiled at him and got up making my way over toward my trunk, pulling him behind me to which he just chuckled again at my eagerness. I dropped his hand as I reached the trunk and unlocked each side before kneeling down beside it. Leaving enough room for victor to crouch down too. "I research." I answered him sharing a smile but her looked confused until I pulled out a military grade satellite computer. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped as he looked between me and the laptop. "How...where..." He breathed before grinning so big I thought his face was about to split.

His long slender fingers reached out towards the laptop before he pulled them back and looked at me again, still sporting a grin. "May I, princess?" He questioned and I nodded sporting a grin of my own. I didn't know what the big deal was but if it made victor smile that big. He could use it whenever he wanted. "Of course, GI ahead." I urged him passing it to him with a smile he gripped it in one hand tucking it under his arm before standing up and offering me a hand to help me up and keeping hold of my hand all the way over to the attic room. "Kota, Sang's got a military grade lap...." Victor started but trailed off eyeing all the military grade weaponry in the attic before swallowing hard, and looking back at me. Kota, Luke and Sean were looking at the computer like it was gold and the silence was getting uncomfortable so I started to shuffle from foot to foot before dropping victors hand and wrapping my arms around my waist.

That seemed to snap victor out of his trance because he was immediately reaching for my hand again but hesitated before wrapping an arm around my shoulders instead and drawing me close to his chest protectively. "What's wrong princess?" He asked as he passed off the computer to kota. I shrugged and looked down praying they'd just drop it- I should have known better though- as it was quiet and I could sense them all talking with their eyes- like Luke and Sean had done when they thought I wasn't paying attention this morning- before he pulled me back into the main room with him.

"What's going on it that pretty little head of yours sang?" He prodded again softly I sighed and rubbed a hand over my eyes peeking up at his concerned face before dropping my hands and gaze to my lap. "You guys all must think I'm some sort of freak with all this stuff. It just makes me a little uncomfortable, like I'm not normal...that's all." I shrugged as I explained to him and could tell I was in the verge of crying again.

I looked away only for long slender fingers to gently grasp my face and direct my attention back to victor who wore a soft smile on his face as he shook his head. "No princess, we were probably all just a little shocked and wishing we could kiss the living daylights out of you right now. You really don't understand the importance of some of the things you have here, do you?" He explained softly. I had begun to turn fire truck red at his revelation of wanting to kiss me, but I shook my head confirming that I had no idea what he was talking about. He nodded and opened his mouth to explain when a loud, high-piched girly- yet somehow masculine- scream rang out from my front porch and we both rushed to the window.

Gabriel's POV:


watched as the signal went off for me to go over next flashed through the window and grabbed my backpack of supplies before I started for the window. I was not very good at this scaling walls and windows shit like my brothers were but I could manage. I grumbled the whole way down before checking that I was clear to move across the street to the neighbors house. I booked it across the street and up the porch before hefting myself up on the banister and onto the roof laying flat on my belly, when the most terrifying thing known in human existence crawled across my hand ready to fucking attack.

A big, hairy brown and orange, fucking eight-legged creepy fucking crawler...

Also known as...a spider.

I flipped shit and screamed. I shook my hand back and forth to get the fucker off but he was determined to get me. I swiped my hand across my cargo pants and it fell off and onto the roof and started scurrying towards me. I turned and booked it as carefully and as fast as I could and dived into the house through the window landing on something soft...

Or should i say somebody soft seeing as we both let out an 'oomph' when we landed.

I pushed myself up and looked into the most gorgeous, innocent, fucking wide green eyes I've ever seen and I knew I'd never be able to get the shade right. They'd haunt every one of my artistic dreams from here on out. "Oy!" I started with a big, wild grin. "So your the fuckin' troublemaker." I laughed.

She was adorable, and if I hadn't witnessed it with my own two eyes I wouldn't believe her eyes could get any wider, but they did. I took in the rest of her and let me tell you.. This girl. She was fucking flawless. A heart shaped face and perfectly high cheekbones. She had an adorable button nose and her full pink, plush lips were curved with the perfect cupids bow. God those look fucking soft. I wonder how it would feel like if...

"Gabe, your squishing my cupcake." Luke gasped through guffaws of laughter. I looked up at him confused and quirked an eyebrow. "What the hell are you going on about Luke, I'm not squishing your fucking cupcake. We don't even have any cupcakes dipshit." I quipped with an eye roll. Leave it to Luke to fuckin' daydream about sweets when there's a beautiful girl here. Damn idiot. I worry for him sometimes, maybe North's right about the sweets. He just laughed harder at that and not the doc had joined in. Victor looked like someone had kicked his puppy and Kota's lips kept twitching as if he was holding back a laugh.

"Gabriel, he meant sang. Your squishing sang." Kota said, his cheeks turning red as it all clicked into my brain that the cupcake luke was talking about was the girl who was starting to squirm uncomfortably underneath me.

I quickly popped up off her a Victor swooped in to help her up. "Shit, right...sorry sang." I muttered and I could feel my cheeks heating up knowing what was coming next. "That's alright. It was an accident." Answered a sweet and soft melodic voice and if it weren't for the embarrassment I was about to receive and the rats nest of a bun stacked high on her head, I would've thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

"So Gabe, what had you screaming like a girl and diving through the window like a bat out of hell?" Luke teased with a knowing glance.

Awwwe shit.

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