The Fire In His Eyes.

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Sang's POV:

We've been on the road for 6 days now. Lucky for me my period had ended yesterday, thank god. Meanie and Victor had eventually found out when I woke up extra cheerful in the morning. When North asked why I was so happy, I may have blurted it out without thinking...

In my defense North had already known, I had slapped a hand over my mouth and turned from the front seat to peek back at them with my cheeks burning scarlet. They both stared at me wide eyed with rosy cheeks before meanie burst into laughter going on about how he should have known it the second I shot him down from changing me. Victor just looked out the window cheeks getting rosier by the second.

The boys have been telling me that we should see the rest of our family tomorrow night at the latest. I'm happy about seeing them but worried still at the chance of one of them not being there. I haven't been talking as much lately. Actually, none of us have really, not since the last time we stopped.

We had to refuel and stopped at a little gas station somewhere in between Colorado and Utah and there was another car parked there, nutnit looked abandoned.

Meanie and North went to clear out the gas station, leavung Victor and I to check the inside of the car. What we discovered inside had devastated me and I clung to North after he came barreling out of the store with a worried Meanie hot on his tail following a bloodcurdling scream that had ripped it's way out of my throat.

There had been a baby- who couldn't have been older than 6 months- strapped into her car seat in the back of the car. Chunks of her skin and intestines layed strewn across the entire backseat, and the blood...oh god the blood was everywhere. The babies blue eyes were wide open and fear etched across what was left if her face.

Victor couldn't even utter a word.

I was ripped from my thoughts as Victor shot upright from his spot he'd been previously sleeping at in the very back of the SUV, panting heavily, his forehead was slick with sweat and his normally fiery eyes were wide and roaring with fear, as he choked back a sob. I quickly unhooked my seatbelt and scrambled my way into the back with him.

He reached for me before I could even get my feet on the floor and pulled me to straddle his lap. He ducked his head into my shoulder and cried silently. I let him. We'd each had a nightmare since seeing that baby and even North had watery eyes when he woke up.

"Shhh, its okay my Prince. Your okay. I'm here I've got you." I cooed softly in his ear as I kissed his temple and the side of his head. He shifted us so we were laying down and just held onto me for a while to calm himself diwn.

North parked the car of the shoulder of the highway we were on and had Meanie walk with him so he could, and I quote, "take a leak" leaving the two of us in the car alone.

When the doors closed he tilted his head up to look at me and I watched as his fire eyes burned with some kind of emotion I'd never seen from him before. He ran his hand up my back and entangled it into my hair never looking away from me.

"Princess." He whispered his usual smooth baritone voice had dropped a few octaves if that was even possible, and it was rough from crying.

"Yes, My Prince?" I questioned him with concern written in both my tone and on my face.

He licked his lips and his fire eyes turned to a raging inferno as they dropped down to mine. My mouth and lips suddenly went dry and I licked my lips to moisten them and something snapped in that gentlemanlike reserve he ways had, because before I could even blink his mouth came down onto mine.

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