She's One Hell Of A Bird.

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Brandon's POV:

We were headed back to Mr. Blackbourne's residence after a long, hard day out on a supply run. We collected as much supplies as possible and while we were in one of the grocery stores Raven had taken on 7 Undead just to get a few packages of fruit cups.

I wasn't really sure why, but Corey hadn't stopped laughing about it since a sweaty Raven hauled ass out of the store in our direction with his arms full of them and a big, excited- but also creepy- grin plastered on his face. Even now I could hear him snickering from beside me.

"Raven, Corey, what the hell is so funny about fruit cups? And why was it worth almost getting mauled by those gut munchers anyways?" I asked irritated at my two brothers. I really didn't see the humor in it. I mean seriously, what's so funny about fruit?

That apparently had been the crack in the damn because Corey burst into laughter like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard and Raven rolled his eyes before answering.

"Brandon, moy brat (my brother) fruit cup is very important. In mat' Rossiya (mother Russia), fruit cup means I would like to make your acquaintance. It means you are interested in girl that you give it to." Raven replied with a smug and prideful smirk. Ha! Oh if only he knew...

"So they're for Sang then?" Axel asked cocking an eyebrow in curiosity to which Raven nodded, narrowing his eyes at a snickering Marc. It took everything in me to hold back my laughter as well.

"What? What is funny? She will like them, after all she likes me." Raven snapped and I couldn't help it I burst into laughter. Raven swung his gaze over to me and opened his mouth to chew me out but I held up a hand to stop him, so I could explain why we were laughing.

"Raven," I gasped out through my chuckles.

"Brother, you're not the only one who picked up something special for Sang." I explained with a smug smile of my own. Raven narrowed his eyes at me and started mumbling in Russian under his breath- no doubt in my mind they were curses- before sighing.

"What did you guys pick up for Malen'kaya Ptichka (little bird)?" He asked, though I could see he was beginning to see the humor in all of this.

I reached down and grabbed my backpack from between my legs and after opening it I pulled out a small box, before tossing it back on the floor. I opened the box and showed them which had a whole new storm of curses leaving all their lips.

While the guys and I had been wandering around one of the stores I had been watching out for any undead near the jewelry section when a small bracelet had caught my attention and I had instantly knew I was bringing it home for Sang.

It was a zombie apocalypse charm bracelet that had a number of different tools and weapons in golds and silvers. There was also a little charm that read "My zombie plan" along with a mini compass and Minnie canned goods.

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