Your My Saving Grace.

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Sang's POV:

We were somewhere in between Oklahoma and Texas now, it'd been 3 and a half long days and were planning on camping here for tonight to get a good nights rest. Meanie and North were driving each other nuts by this point, but at the same to.e I think it gave them a sense of comfort to be able to bicker with each other.

I know North is worried about everyone... Especially Luke. I've tried to help the boys any way possible, as well as keeping myself busy. I've been preparing their meals, folding and refolding blankets, organizing the supplies we've got in the car...that was until I found the cat food and burst into tears.

The guys had thought I'd lost it and Meanie who had been driving at the time swerved so hard my whole body jerked and I tumbled into the side of the trunk area. North had crawled back there with me and cradled me, rocking me back and forth while Victor repeatedly asked me what was wring. I didn't answer, just pointed to the cat food. They both stiffened before North had curses flying out of his mouth so fast he'd make a sailor blush.

Meanie finally stepped in and reassured the lot of us that Mr. Blackbourne had indeed gotten the kittens out and we finally calmed down.

We found a spot in the woods with a big freshwater pond and a waterfall. For us to clean up and wash our clothes in. We could also fill up our water bottles.

I have to say, I was impressed when North took charge of the group and within the hour we had a small fire going courtesy of Victor, while Meanie had collected water and was already boiling it so we could drink it

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I have to say, I was impressed when North took charge of the group and within the hour we had a small fire going courtesy of Victor, while Meanie had collected water and was already boiling it so we could drink it. I had set out to wash our clothes but North stopped me.

"C'mon Sang baby, let's go hunting." He instructed me with a smirk. I dropped the clothes back into back of the SUV ran behind a tree changing quickly before grabbing my crossbow and following him into the forest.

 I dropped the clothes back into back of the SUV ran behind a tree changing quickly before grabbing my crossbow and following him into the forest

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It had been years since I'd been hunting and I was excited. We caught the trail of a buck and every sense of mine was on high alert. We spotted the buck and I raised my cross bow. I inhaled and just as I shifted my weight a twig snapped in the distance. I shot 3 times and they hit target but he had already began to jump and landed in the clearing with a thud.

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