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I caught the rain upon my tongue,
arched my face up to the Sun,
called out your name walking with a pair of slick an sweet callused feet,
each step I made burning holes through dry concrete,
If you heard me it was hard for me to know,
I seen you barreling through your streets of snow,
watching as you crossed the line from Summer to Winter,
sluggish now on your knees wandering, reaching me you say ,what is that so bitter?
on my arms beading up in pindrops?
I heard your voice echo loudly, reading your thoughts,
I answered with no words, only a smile and an aching chest,
knowing if this was love it was best to let it rest,
In the warm silence of knowledge that is a bit refrained,
I was born in the hottest summer month of August after a flood of rain,
my Icy body a relief in this hot season of lightly heated up sweatcakes,
You my love born on the coldest day in February, as the flames inside the snowflakes,
your heat glowing into the first candle of sandalwood wax,
we stood together joined in blissful feelings, starting to let go and relax,
One sweating from the outside One sweating from within,
as the most natural unnatural, absurd bittersweet humidity begins,
love winning inside and outside both of us, regardless of my ice and your flames,
the oldest game of love we now begin to play.

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