Young Folks Carnival

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Your laughter was my first taste of carnival sweets.
Gave me the best , worst, tummy ache of my whole life,
I consumed too much sugar from it being the reason.
How could I not?
Your teeth peaked out from your bottom lip,
sly breath of lightning on a gray canvas of opaque images.
Your hair fell in rings of ebony chocolate down to your knees,
Thick strands at the top flaired back at the bottom,
brown clouds of cotton candy touching my arms,
teasing me to join in the night games of crowded folklore's.
The lights in the village awakened your heartbeats,
I put on my headphones to drown out the crowned thorns,
Upon the royal catapult we called adulthood.
You weren't a child, I was even older than our carved tree,
yet for that moment when you laughed,
we both wore childish grins from one ear to the other's cheek,
finding our inner innocences,
holding onto the forbidden dreams,
that two young folks never know is not allowed.

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