Snowflakes & Cocoa

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The snowflakes fell upon the roof,
Each minty crumb of winter's magic dissolving,
as it hit the surface of our shelter,
turning to slippery invisible ice.
It made me angry but you were in awe,
of course you never wiped out on the sidewalk like I did.
My miracle summer heat that could ice skate upon sleet.
Your Grace, My Grave.
Your Laughter, My Tantrum.
Your Fun, My Job.
But Night Came, Icy Streets Glittered Its Warning Of Harm,
Cars Were Put Away, People Traveled On Foot,
Some Fell, Some Skated, Some Sleighed.
As We Drank Hot Cocoa Wrapped Up In A Blanket,
Silently Loud Enough To Dream With Our Eyes Wide Open,
Under The Moonlighted Red Berry, Green Petal Charms,
Til the cup was empty and we closed our eyes,
Dreaming Nothing Together At All.

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