Once I Was Beneath You

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the love I had for you wasn't anything physical, as we hugged it felt odd to me, like I was some kind of peasant in a way, servant to voice your prophesy. 

my cheeks were on fire thinking of my poor mother, 

how I could disrespect her when she begged me not to do what I had just done.

Putting her child beneath another after all the hurt she went through.

How many times did she tell me no one is beneath or above if we are all made equal?

In the light of God's love no one is more or less, our difference are all parts of the same sunsets.

You sprout the same message and until I touched you I believed your words,

not knowing that false lips con sweeter than the corn off the fresh cob of summer villages.

you had me climbing higher than the woman who set me on fire, I should thank you and your deceit  that made me realize,

I can get through anything with my chin up, my heart the sidekick to my brain, 

inching my feeble strength forward to the realization I am just as good as you are.

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