Ravishing Roses

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Ravishing roses upon the earth's bed of dreams.

Spellbound by her Mexican petals, each one holding a different song to every living ear. 

creme colored beauty with satin softness, moonlighted goddess. 

I should have watched out for the thorns.

now they burrow deep into the meat of my fingers. 

plucking at my pain like a feathered goose birthing golden eggs. 

Ravishing roses upon the meadows hills. 

lover's temptation.

stolen allure of antique glamour.

modern, old age wisdom, of historic dreams.

I held onto lusts stubborn desires as a bloodhound searches out scents.

shunning the maiden's warning of doom.

Ravishing roses growing wildly outside the frame of my house's door.

thorns under the door knocker, a hidden surprise for all the guests.

sour sharp pains of her bitter callings filling the streets. 

thorns digging in deeper with every squeeze of a handshake. 

strangers eyes lighted up with the mirrors of destruction.

sour pain thrown into a box labeled bad memory. 

Ravishing roses withering away in winter, coming back every spring. 

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