Cup Of Tea

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steeped it a bit too long, quite bitter so I must add some sugar.

you wait for me on the balcony wondering if you should jump off of it.

the sky meets the ground in one photo you mumble,

you want to know what a love like that feels like.

I know what you mean. 

I dare you to take a leap but you just hold on to the rails and sigh.

I take a sip from the pot before I begin pouring, 

a cup of sugar has now made it too sweet,

fire on the stove goes back on as I dump the old tea out.

I shout to you it will be ready soon but you don't hear a word I say,

only in a trance watch the clouds break away,

new determination filling your eyes to your windowless soul,

as you take your shoes off and begin dangling your feet,

yet you still just think about it, you never actually take that big leap.

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