Finding Perfection In You

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I had an idea of Perfection before I met you,
Imagination of my brain the betrayer of Soluble Tangible Beauty.

You broke down all my weighted thoughts of "Perfection was a whole lot of this...without that"
every "without that" you had was what made you perfect,
all the" whole lot of this" you weren't was the broken porcelain pieces of my life,
working against me, nine to five with double overtime.
so when they ask me,
why is my smile different, more warm,?
why is my voice a lion steady sound instead of a shaky kitten purr,?
how did I become this different woman of worth?

I can only say,
I found my perfect, cause you're mine, then walk away,
knowing they all are wanting to find you too,
like the drifting balloon rising in the sky,
just out of reach to touch,  but they can see it,
hoping some day they'll be able to grasp onto it,
so they know what perfection feels like.

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