Shattering Glass Wings

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I threw the book across the room so when it hit the wall,
It would fall on the page you never ignored.

You seen wings upon my back but I never let you touch them,
told you it was made of feathers but really it was made of glass,
the book vibrating, breaking the glass wings before your eyes,
you seen the words not the shattered wings, so it worked.

Yes I was Clingy, Manipulative, a Liar whenever I needed to be,
Always for your attention, you knew me, what I am, now&then,
I thought it's why you liked it, whatever IT was, Me, the Game.

The Stories I weaved out of air and longing,
desire to keep your eyes on me were only desperation,
Like grasping onto air, seeing it escape the cracks of my tight fist.

let's face it, my dirt covered heart, my unsparkly eyes, my nervous smile, my broken laughter...
wouldn't keep you here with me,
you'd leave and a part of me would die when you did,
I just wasn't sure which part.

So I threw the book at you,
read the words of the story it landed on,
watched it burst into flames,
for that day, the first time, I knew you stayed,
because I deceived you, but I didn't care at all,
cause I needed you.

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