What Is It?

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some ask everyday, all their lives, never finding the answer to what it is.

others only ask a few times believing the have it all figured out.

What is love?

a sprinkle of cool rain in the heat of summer?

a snowstorm in the frigid winter?

is it relief or danger? or is it both?

What makes us love one another?

do we need it as the baby needs milk from it's mother to grow?

or is a habit we can't break, addiction we hide from judgement's shame.

Is it nourishment or a secret ? or is it both?

Can love change?

do we fall out of love or did we never love at all?

does love last forever? from the first moment to no last moment?

can love die or is it eternal? It can't be both.

What is love?

Is it what you believe? or what they believe?

can we really find answers if we go looking for it?

or is something we find in ourselves, not something we learn but that we teach. 

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