Grumpy Pocket Rainbows

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I saw a couple of rainbows as I walked home yesterday.
Perfection of magical wonderment,
laying on the ground in restful fits of acceptance, never peaceful.
Unexplainable hardened love too broken for mending,
truthful, grumpy,butterscotches in fruit colored coloring books.

The sky was too big for them to be seen from distances,
squinting eyes could never see the lights of what made them,
Existence said they must stay down to be seen,
So they stayed there until they were gone.

I opened the door to home,
Took off my coat, wrung out the rain I had walked in,
Shook my hair loose as little drops of liquid sips of life,
sprayed the hall as a baby bottom softens the hand underneath it,
reached into my pants pocket, taking out your photo,
Needing to see your face.

Instead of your smiling face staring back at me though,
the grumpy rainbow that followed me home was glowing,
inside my holed up jeans where it had sneaked into,
Frowning upon the picture replacing your grin.
I dropped the photo on the ground where it belonged,
making sure not to step on the rainbow by gliding over it,
Not really sure if rainbows are easily broken,
Or if rainbows are immortal,
only knowing it belonged here,
So be careful where you step when you come back home.

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