Sterilization From The Pain

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I broke my wrist turning the cold water knob out of the metal socket.

My dirty limbs only able to be cleansed by scalding water.

Soils of your betrayals icy igloos melting inside the steam of the curtains.

Each lie I whimpered bit into my flesh in kisses all across my collarbone to my toes.

Warm water turned into sprinkling heat became fiery licorice ink.

layers of my flesh sucked down the drain, bloodless, pink fluids infused with grime.

This hurt was all fine, all fine, not fine but fine enough to tenderize my soul. 

pounding my skull against the tiles of the shower enclosure markings they would all know,

when they found me alive, breathing, mute, stronger than speaking I am now,

all alone wrapped in your towel. 

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