So Now I Shut Up

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I told her you built sprinklers from my eyes,
A raging inferno in my chest that grew from each rough note,
The high lows, the squeaky instrumentals,
held no way of waning or dying only creating more.
All my facial, ear muscles overtaken by your song,
Bursting into natural fireworks so loud the dogs all ran away.
I told her I overheard the stars,
Jealousy murmur complaints to our grassy fields,
Feeling numbly dull, they, all the stars,
compare themselves to you,
Wondering how they could gain that much light,
But they can't and I'm not sad about that.

I looked into her eyes to see if she understood not the words,
Words are empty, seeing if she knew my feelings, substances.
If the dawning knowledge of the proof in the message,
Sank in like feet under quicksand,
Pulling her under, never to rise to the judgements of the past,
I see that it did,
I let her watch and hear for herself now,
Satisfied you broke through her earlier misguiding anger,
Winning the battle,
Not gloating or floating my ego of fallen righteousness,
No need to say anything more,
So now I Shut Up, and just let us both enjoy.

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