Autumns Return

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The leaves on the trees had half fallen off,
No longer green and vibrant but dull grays and tans.
Crunching under your boots with zippers on each side.
The only heat from an inside fire not from the Sun rays on the windowpanes, sidewalks, porch swings or flower petals.

I remember the knock on the door,
Opening it up with a wrapped bandage tightly around my hand,
Swollen lips, eyes, ears painfully aware,
the snow birds welcomed you,
The traitorous song high in the air as a banner of celebration.

Rambling words coming out like brandy lashings
of drunken stupidity from my lips like a demented ghost.
Cause there you were in glorious beauty,
Unragged perfection walking, smiling ,
touching, the mess you left behind, ....Me.

How I view every Autumn day,
Waiting for the knock at the door,
Knowing Spring Time you'll be gone,
But Now Is Not Then,  Spring May Never Come For Us,
And as I burn my hand over the candle flames once again,
I speak your name with waxy lips,
Bandaged up tight my intentionally burned fleshy digits,
Awaiting Autumns Return, It is my favorite season of all.

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