Immortal Souls

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like a movie we played the duel lead roles. 

I was a thief of words you were the brazen rebel who ate them up, spit them out,

you buried them in the dirt with your bare hands.

Little did we know what you buried would grow and rise up. 

If we did maybe we wouldn't have planted it on top of the most vulnerable war ravened town.

Then again it all happens as it's suppose to, 

life already scripted by the director who created our parts.

I suppose that is right, fate, destiny, spotlights. 

Yet you don't believe and you planted the seeds, unknowingly. 

I can see the leaves of our lilac rose that sways in the breeze of destruction,

wondering if my character of worthless value would one day wither it up, 

they weren't written you see, I got them from some distant memory of my youth. 

My brazen rebel you can't believe that it proudly grows there amid so much trash,

living among the foul stench of the homeless beggars. 

Yet, I know the things I can't say, I forgot how to say the words that are free, 

choosing instead to speak words I have lied a borrowing,

from the ones who destroyed the innocence of the poor people stuck inside their tragedies.

I'm silent to the heart inside the beggars that once were kings and queens. 

Like our rose, they are mere seeds that have been planted happening to one day thrive, 

now they are beginning to wither but in there hearts,

lives a  passion that wasn't born to never die. 

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