Climbing Over You

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You had stronger arms, so we decided you should go first.
catching hold of the purple marble, accented in gray foundation,
up the side of the beach house the last week of May, 
me holding onto your ankles with my flabby muscles hitting the rocky structure,
closing my eyes when we slipped back down to the sandy rupture, inches from the deep ends.

The others had all drowned yet here we were making it up alive, two who survived,
the roaring waves a concert to our ears, that was monumentally gorgeous,
swallowed whole and spit out onto the water's backdrop of foam, all it's victims as a display,
it was coming after us too, its hunger more greedy than needful now,
I gathered strength from where I did not know,
took my flabby arms and climbed over top of you when I seen you were defeated,
you look at me with a surprise I mocked, 
but I grabbed your jacket and held you up, 
leading, climbing us both the rest of the way up.
reaching the top we looked down at the water, 
our smiles the most arrogant of victories,
but we heard it shout in sprays of foamy wrath,
enjoy this day, you live it together, as your last.

Climbing Up Out Of The Ashesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن