I Run Faster

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Here we go,
you in our garden,raging your engine,
my limbs flexible to your metal machine parts.
you ready to run me over with your thick rubbered wheels.
Only one problem dear,
I can out run you.
I lunge over the flowers we planted that are decaying,
their seeds, the babies buried underground til their rebirth.
we always did come from a place of dying before living.
My short legs glide over them all.
my lunging flight giving me strength to burst through the door,
the one we painted our initials on,
lock it tight with four locks,
one for each time we cursed at stupid egotistical jealousy.
your angry sneer grows fresh pimples all over your lips,
bursting infectious grief all over our petals of love.
From the curtained window I see you run out of gas.
you believe I'll let you in...I will,
as soon as the seeds that have been dead and buried,
come back to life and sprout leaves again.

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