Dirty Girls

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Mama said the dirty girls were the girls who kissed your cheek a little too long goodbye.

used laughter as an excuse to make midnight cupcakes from scratch.

handed out love on stolen sheets of paper for you to initial when you were left pen less.

so you had to borrow a pen from the class clown named Julian.

Mama said dirty girls would stay far away from us.

we were smart enough to dissolve the glue from their traps.

even though people would stare at our funny walking away, 

we wouldn't die starving crying out for mercy.

Mama never said how good it felt when the dirty girls,

slapped your cheeks until they turned a vibrant ambrosia color,

how you would cry all morning long burning your toast just so you could put them up to your cheek, to feel some heat inside the icy paleness you are left with now.

she never said how the dirty girls would wad up your love to throw it in the trashcan,

just to watch you out run the trash truck and get it back from a man named Stanley.

Mama never ate the dirty girls poisons,

so she couldn't teach me what she didn't know.

she sniffed out the sweetness of the poison,

forgetting to show me how to sniff out the bad.

so I took a bite and got a bit ill,

but the sickness cannot last forever, one day I know I will hunger again. 

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