The start of a downward spiral

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Bianka's POV

It was late at night when I heard the voices from my room up stairs.

"Bianka!!!" My mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, called, "Bianka!"

Then it all went blurry.

I woke up.

"Bianka, cous, wake up!" Aurora said. Her blonde hair in a pony tail.

"What?" I asked groggily.

"You were screaming again," Aurora explained raising her right eyebrow she asked, "the dream?"

"Yeah," I answered sitting up on my bed, "third time this week, do you think I should tell Aunt Cissy?"

Aurora walked closer to the bed and said, "I think, you just miss them."

"Thanks" I said sarcastically, "who wouldn't, though?"

"True," Aurora held on to the post of the bed, "in any case, Mum wants you down stairs."

I got up, putting my slippers on, "Tell her I'll be down in a minute."

"Sure cous," Aurora said with a smile before turning around and going to her own room across the hall.

Bianka, it has been six years since they were taken! I scolded myself.

It was the day that I have been waiting for I am finally going to Hogwarts, me Bianka Druella Lestrange, going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

"Oh, Bianka, dear," my aunt said as I got down stairs, "There you are!"

"Good Morning, Aunt Cissy, Draco!" I beamed.

"Mistress Lestrange, Dobby, has cooked a wonderful meal, for you and young Mistress Malfoy." Dobby the house-elf said, while escorting Aurora and I to the dinning area.

"I swear, you are becoming more and more like your mother!" Uncle Luscious exclaimed, "Now you two better be in Slytherin or so help me Salazar..."

I turned my attention to Aurora who mouthed, I will burn that wretched school down. I was older than Aurora by ten days, but it amazes me to see that she at times acts older.

"Aurora, Bianka!" My uncle called making both Aurora and I jumped.
We both looked at him.

"Did you even hear what I just said?!" Uncle sounded irritated, can't say I blame him, though, having to raise two of your own children is hard enough, then your wife's seven year old niece shows up with 9 aurors demanding that you raise her, as well, Whew tough break, Uncle.

"Of course, Father." Aurora said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Better be in Slytherin or so help me Salazar, I will burn that wretched school down!" Me and Aurora recited in unison.

"Alright, finish your breakfast and then we are going!" Uncle said wiping his mouth, then getting up.

Aurora and I looked at each other and we burst out laughing, "Can you believe he said that?" Aurora asked.

"Why not, he said it about 100 times already since we got our letters." I said reaching out to get a morning roll, freshly made by hand by Dobby.

"You know, ones I get my inheritance," Aurora said spreading butter to the roll,"I'm giving Dobby his freedom."

Aurora and I shared the same views ever since about elf rights. We believe that elves should be free to choose.

Next chapter's gonna be sorting.

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