Looking for the Prophecy

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Luna's POV

"We fly of course!" I answered gleefully.

We flew to the ministry.

"He's here, I saw him." Harry explained how he saw Sirius being tortured by Voldemort.

We walk around then we came face to face with a dark haired witch and Lucious Malfoy. "Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville announced.

Bellatrix mocked us in a babyish voice. How can this woman be related to Bianka? I thought about Bianka how nice and sweet she is. How she thinks of others welfare before her own. The only thing Bellatrix and Bianka have in common is physical appearance. I thought as we split up running. Neville took my hand and ran through the shelves, then the Aurors showed up with Nathan, Bianka, and Aurora.

"Bellatrix! Come on face me!" Bianka called out, "You are nothing but a sorry excuse for a mother!"

"Bianka,no!" I yelled as I ran, "She is not worth it!"

The next thing I knew was a death eater holding me at wand point. Neville was being held by Bellatrix at wand point, as well, Hermione with a wand on her neck. Bianka showed up with a smoke, I rolled my eyes "B., get out of here, please!" Harry begged.

"Do not give them that prophecy, Harry!" Aurora screamed an order.

"A?" I was surprised seeing the two cousins stand up, "Who else is here?"

"NOW TONKS!" Bianka called.

It was a blur... I just heard Bellatrix chanting, "I killed, Sirius Black!" over and over.

Harry ran after Bellatrix, and had his wand pointed at her, as she fell on the floor.

"Harry!" Aurora called out, "Don't!"

Bianka looked at Aurora. They just stared at each other for a moment Bianka looked at her mother her expression was surprise.
Dumbledore ended up dueling Voldemort, Harry let Bellatrix go.

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