The Memory

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Rodolphus POV

I heard Bianka yelling from across the halls of this dark place. I had hoped that she stop by my cell for I could have explained the reality of the contract, but she didn't. Bianka left as soon as she was done talking to Bella. The story behind the contract was a painful memory, I turned around as I listen to my Bella cry softly, I start to recall the memory.

Flashback (1973)

It was a night like any other, a death eater meeting was being held at the Rosier Manor. I was sitting with my wife and my brother, Rabastan, at the end of the long table.

"Friends, I have some news." our lord announced, "Crouch has recently been appointed Head of the Department of Magical Enforcement, while his son," pointing at the young man with straw blonde hair, "has recently join the ranks." Junior smiled at this point, "That would be all for tonight. Go and terminate the traitors and mudbloods!" our lord ordered.

Bella and her sister, Narcissa stood up at the exact same time.

"I have an announcement!" Bella and Cissy said in unisons.

"You first, Bella," Narcissa said gesturing to her older sister, "my news is much bigger, I assure you."

I was afraid of what Bella might say to Narcissa because I doubted that her news is bigger than ours was.

Bella simply said, "We are expecting m'Lord!" at the news our fellow death eaters cheered, applauding.

"That's great news, Bella," exclaimed the Dark lord turning to the Malfoys, "and your news, dear Cissa?"

Cissa smiled at Lucious, "We are also expecting, Master."

The Dark Lord smiled creepily as everyone started cheering.

"When?" Regulus asked his two cousins.

"The first of October." Bella answered gleefully.

"The eleventh of October." Cissy smiled at the irony.

Five months have passed and we were all excited for the newest members of the family to arrive.

"It's a girl!" the healer said to Bella and I.

Bella looked at me worried, "I do not wish for her to be brought up in a world with hatred." she whispered to me.

I was shocked but I smiled down at her and pecked her lips, "I promise she'll be safe." I said, as I kissed her swollen belly.

That night we were summoned to the Death Eater head quarters with the Malfoys.

The Dark Lord greeted all of us, "So I heard you lot are expecting a baby girl, am I correct?" He asked his cold voice gave me the feeling hat something bad was to happen.

We all nodded.

"I have a proposal for you." Dark Lord announced, "I would like one of your daughter to marry me."

I was shocked, Bella grab my arm, holding it tightly. Lucious put a hand on Narcissa's belly I could feel Bella tensed against my arms.

I was about to object when Lucious said, "Master, I think you would like Lestrange daughter, she sure would be older than my daughter, my lord."

"Correct, Lucious, you and your wife may go." Voldemort dismissed the couple and turned to me and Bella, "Bellatrix, Rodolphus what do you say?"

Bella looked at me then looked at him, "We have to respectfully declined, M'Lord." she said.

The dark lord raised his wand and pointed at me, "Crucio!" I writhed in pain. Lord Voldemort looked at my wife and said, "Now, Bella, I wish for your child's hand in marriage."

Bellatrix looked at me eyes swollen, I could see tears that were forming in her eyes, I sent her a message, Bella please! Don't let this man have our daughter!

Bellatrix shook her head, "Yes, M'Lord, you shall marry her."

The End of the Flashback

If it weren't for me writhing in pain your mother wouldn't have signed that contract. If you would just listened to your mother. Bianka, remember to look for the truth and never stop until you find it, my princess.

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