The Sorrow

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Draco's POV

It was hours after the failed wedding, when my father had confronted me, anger was in his voice.

"Draco! How dare you help those blood traitor?! Do you know how deep a hole you dug up and bury our family name?!" Father yelled, "Draco, we are the laughing stock of the wizarding community! You are branded a coward!"

"It takes more courage to stand up for what is right then to follow the crowd." I shrugged, "Father, can't you see, what the dark lord is doing to our family, I didn't bury our name you did that,Aurora is merely trying to dig a way out, her and Bianka kept their promise, did you?"

My father struck me on the face with his cane, "Listen to me Draco, you should never concern yourself with Aurora or Bianka!"

I backed away. Running through the corridor, I stopped when I heard crying, behind the close door of Bianka's old chambers.

Opening the door, I saw my aunt clutching one of Bianka's scarves close to her, crying. My mother standing on the other corner of the room, also crying. Uncle Rod hugging Aunt Bella trying to stop her from crying. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

My mother notices me lurking in the doorway she opened her arms inviting me to hug her.

"I'm sorry B., A., I'm really sorry I couldn't stop him." my voice breaking.

"Draco, none of this is your fault." Mother reassured me.

"No. I know it was my fault, mother." I was tearing up.

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