I'm back

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Bianka's POV

I apparated in front of the Weasley cottage. I stepped on the porch, just as Tonks, Remus, Aurora, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George ran out of the door armed with their wands. They just all stared at me.

"Hi, you, lot, look like you've seen a ghost." I laughed just thinking of that muggle saying we've all seen ghosts in Hogwarts.

"Bianka?" Aurora asked as she stepped in front of the group, "Is that really you?"

"Aurora Scarlett Malfoy, you promised me, Bianka Druella Lestrange, that you will never abandon me." I had my right hand up as I said every word. I resented my whole name, but I had to say it.

"Yup, it's her." Remus said.

"How, what, where, who?!" Aurora asked.

"I was taken to Riddle Manor in Ireland,where I found out your brother is now a death eater." I explained, "Draco helped me escape."

"Really? Always knew my brother is a good kid." Aurora smiled.

I chuckled, "Well, I'm back!"

"Yes, yes," Remus agreed, "you are. Let's all go in, shall we?"

I got to the door threw my hands up and called out, "I'M BACK!"

Teddy woke up with a loud cry.

"Oops, sorry, sweets, did I wake you up?" I took Teddy from the crib in the middle of the sitting room and cuddled him.

Teddy stopped crying, as he stared at me, his red hair turned bubblegum pink.

"Aunt Andy," I hugged my aunt with my free arm, "Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley." I gave them a nod.

"Bianka!" Ginny attacked me with a hug so tight it made Teddy cry.

"Well, hello to you too, Gin." I said as she caught her breathe, "I've not been gone for that long, you greet me as if I have not seen you in decades." my sarcasm was getting better.

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