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10 years later

Bianka was sitting on the kitchen table with her laptop talking to her cousin Aurora.

"I can't believe it!" Bianka exasperated, "Are you sure?"

Aurora slowly said, "Yes, I am five months pregnant!"

"Congrats, A!" Bianka enthusiastically said, "I'm sure you will be a great mother."

"Speaking of..." Aurora started, "I need you to drop by the Potter's, to tell them that their third cousin is gonna be a father, soon."

"Sure," Bianka agreed, "boy or girl?"

Aurora answered, "Boy, I will name him, Carter Lucious Evans, Luis for short."

"Ma!" a dark haired with chocolate brown eyes six year old girl yelled.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Bianka asked.

Little Bella said, "My shoes, have you seen them?"

"Isabella Alice Longbottom, are you honestly asking me, two hours before our flight?" Bianka scolded.

"Mama, I just put them right by the door, and now its gone!" Bella whined.

"Have you checked the hall closet?" Bianka suggested closing her laptop and putting it in her case, walking down stairs to help her daughter.

Bianka looked at her daughter, wearing a green sun dress with a brown belt, black boots in hand. Bianka smiled, "Put your coat on and let's go, your father is outside."

Bella put her boots on and grabbed her black trench coat from the chair beside the hall closet. Bianka picked her daughter up and headed out the door.

Nathan was standing outside, "Ready?"

"As, I'll ever be." Bianka sighed, as she put her daughter in the backseat of the vehicle.

3 hours later

In London City Airport, a ten year old Teddy Lupin awaited the arrival of his cousins with his grandmother, Andromeda.

"Bianka!" Andromeda called out spotting her niece as she wondered around, "Over here, dear."

Bianka ran towards her elderly aunt, Bella being dragged by her mother, Nathan pushing a cart with three luggage.

Andromeda hugged her oldest niece, "Oh I missed you, how are you?"

"Fine," Bianka answered smiling, "this is my daughter, Isabella Alice, Bella this is your great-aunt, Auntie Andy."

"Wow!" Andromeda exasperated, "She looks just like your mother, Bianka, right down to her brown eyes!" Andromeda wiped a tear from her cheek, "Nice to meet you Bella!"

Bella hugged Andromeda.

"So what time does Aurora's flight land?" Teddy asked.

"She's not coming, she's five months pregnant," Bianka explained, "with her first child."

"She is?!" Andromeda surprised, "Time sure flies."

"It sure does, Auntie," agreed Bianka, "I remember when were younger, A., was a troublemaker and I took the blame for everything. Now,she's going to be a mother!"

"I'm glad you came back, Bianka!" Teddy sighed.

Bianka sighed, "Let's go, I still need to go visit N. and Remus!"

In the Gravesite.

Bianka lit a candle on Nymphadora's gravestone, "N., hey its me, Bianka!" Bianka sighed, "I'm married now 9 years to Nate and we have a daughter, Bella. She's six now and Teddy just adores her, he's ten now 1 more year and its Hogwarts for him." Bianka wiped a tear, "Time has changed it has been ten years since I last came here and Aurora married Harry's third cousin he's a muggle of course but they live in New York where the magical world and muggle can live in one community in harmony. She's expecting their first child, they got married four years ago. Galaxy is living in California in a convent over there. She's happy!" Bianka wiped another tear, "I will hold my promise to protect your son. Merlin's I miss you N.!" Bianka turned to look at Remus's gravestone, "Remus, I hope you kept your promise to protect my cousin even in death."

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