The most important Owl mail

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Aurora's POV

Tonk's teary eyed, Bianka sobbed, my eyes blur from tears, we all cried watching Sirius die. Bianka cried the longest --not that I blame her, Bellatrix did kill Sirius, her mother killed someone in front of her.

I opened the front door. Aunt Andy was sitting on the sofa with a note in front of her.

"Girls!" Auntie greeted then saw our expressions her voice became fearful, "What's wrong? Where's Sirius?!"

We just starred at her looking for the right response.

Tonks sat beside her mother, and let out a ear piercing cry, "Gone, Mum! Sirius is gone!"

Aunt Andy hugged Tonks, beckoning Bianka and I to come closer, I hugged Tonks and my aunt, Bianka backed away tears in her eyes "I can't... I just can't!" Bianka ran up the stairs sobbing.

"What's wrong doesn't she know that we should mourn together?" Auntie asked looking at Tonks.

"Bellatrix killed Sirius, Mum, in front of Bianka." Tonks replied.

"I'll handle it." I started to walk up the stairs and I knocked on Bianka's bedroom door. No answer, but I could here cries. "Bianka, its me, I'm opening the door." I opened the door to find Bianka holding a blade and her wrist was uncovered, she was sitting by the window. I rushed beside her ready to scold her, when I saw a note in front of her. "What do you have there?" Bianka looked at me and handed me the paper, I saw her wrist she hasn't start cutting, yet I grabbed the paper it read:

Dear Little One,
By the time you receive this letter I'll be long gone, but I want to tell you that while in the muggle world, I've met a woman and well I impregnated her. She was two months pregnant when I was arrested. 7 months later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Galaxy May Black, in the United States. Galaxy's mother had died when Galaxy was 3 months old. The US government took her to an orphanage, named St. Matilda home for girls.

Sirius Black

I sat beside Bianka and grabbed the blade away from her, putting it in my pocket. I grabbed her hand, "It's going to be alright, B." I whispered.

Bianka nods, "We need to find her."

"We will," I hugged her, then called Auntie and Tonks. Bianka and I showed them the note and told them that we'll find Galaxy and be back in time for Tonks and Remus's wedding.

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