The attack of the Boneheads

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Bill Weasley's POV

So there I was dancing with my new bride, Fleur. When all of a sudden there was an explosion, everyone panicked, fleeing the scene. Everyone, that is except Bianka, who was drag by a death eater as they apparated. The death eaters left after two hours.

"Bianka?" Andromeda came rushing in to the door, "Aurora, where is Bianka?"

Aurora just stared at her aunt with a sad expression.

"Again?" Tonks came in with Remus and their newborn son, Teddy Lupin. Mr. Tonks died a few months ago.

"Yes, but now I have no idea what they are to do with her." Aurora started to sob.

"First it was my husband's death and now Bianka has been taken!" Andromeda cried.

"What happened?!" Tonks asked hair turning red.

Fleur answered, "The boneheads attacked."

"The boneheads?" Remus repeated.

"The death eaters," I explained, "their skull masks."

"Oh, any ideas where we could find her?" Tonks asked.

"None." Aurora answered solemnly.

"What about the Riddle Manor?" Ginny suggested, "Bianka told me about her engagement."

We all turned to her surprised.

"Where is it?" I asked.

My sister then said, "Ireland, I think."

"How on earth could you possibly know that?" Aurora groaned.

"Snape's making it a mandatory school trip." Ginny answered. "McGonnagol isn't too thrilled about the idea, though saying that we shouldn't put students in danger, since most of us are muggleborn and 'traitors'."

"I am so sorry," Aurora took Ginny's hand, "for ruining this occasion, for Uncle Ted's death, for Sirius's death, for everything."

"Aurora, these things aren't your fault." Andromeda wiped a tear on Aurora's face, "Things happen but it doesn't mean its your doing."

"Yes, it is." Aurora protested, "If Bianka and I never ask you for help, Uncle Ted would still be alive, and if I didn't force Bianka to come here then this wouldn't have happened."

"A., listen to me," Tonks sitting beside Aurora, "this is not your fault."

Teddy reached out his arms to Aurora.

"Here hold him." Tonks held Teddy to Aurora.

Aurora held Teddy close to her.

"See, not everything you touch is destroyed." Remus said, matter-of-factly.

"This is different!" Aurora protested, "A death eater has Bianka and is taking her to His manor, my cousin is only twenty-three, she can't marry that monster!"

"I agree but how on earth are we suppose to go there and rescue Bianka without being caught?" I said, "If you haven't noticed Harry, Ron, and Hermione left."

"We need a plan," Ginny announced, "we need a plan that would actually work."

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